Anxiety in Phoenix, AZ

Anxiety is a powerful feeling that can manifest both emotionally, through worry and tension, and physically, with symptoms like digestive issues or elevated blood pressure. While everyone encounters anxiety at times, distinguishing between normal anxiety and an anxiety disorder is crucial. Our psychiatrists at Serenity Mental Health Centers are dedicated to identifying whether individuals are facing normal feelings of anxiety or an anxiety disorder. We engage closely with our patients to assess persistent anxiety, diagnose the specific type of disorder, and determine the most effective treatment. Understanding the challenges of dealing with anxiety, we offer the necessary support and care at our Phoenix, AZ office to help you lead a liberated life.

Each person who visits our office brings a unique set of experiences and challenges. This is particularly true when it comes to anxiety, which can vary from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) to social anxiety and panic disorder. Understanding that anxiety cannot be addressed with a universal approach, we've fostered a safe and welcoming space for patients to voice questions, express concerns, and explore treatment possibilities. Our objective is to tailor a treatment plan that aligns with each individual's preferences and requirements. To achieve this, we offer a variety of anxiety treatments, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and ketamine IV therapy, ensuring comprehensive support on the path to better mental health.

Our team is dedicated to supporting you in regaining control over your life and managing your anxiety disorder in harmony with your lifestyle. Serenity Mental Health Centers offers a secure environment for healing. Should you be experiencing anxiety symptoms, we encourage you to contact our experts in Phoenix, AZ without delay.

I am so fortunate to have come to Serenity and gotten help with my mental health and medication concerns. They have truly helped me take care of myself and put me first. Everyone in the office is kind, helpful, and greets you with a warm smile. I would recommend this place for your mental health needs any day of the week. Definitely 5 stars.

C.F. Google

I’m delighted to share my positive experience with Dr. Jerrzy Hubert. His kindness, genuine concern, and unwavering support have been instrumental in my journey toward better mental health. I appreciate Dr. Hubert’s expertise and compassionate approach, making each session a source of comfort and progress. As Dr. Hubert embarks on a new chapter with a move, I want to express my sincere best wishes. I will miss his guidance, but I’m truly grateful for the positive impact he had on my well-being. Thank you and good luck!

V.M. Google

Our family has been very fortunate to find such caring, kind, and empathetic individuals. From the moment you call them to the very first time, you attend your initial appointment and intake. The staff is supportive, helpful, patient, knowledgeable and extremely caring. Our family is very happy and feel like it is a safe environment. Everyone there loves what’s they do you can feel it. Kaytlyn and Dr. Elias Ruiloba are amzaing. Dr. Ruiloba was patient and explained treatment process, answered questions without making us feel like we are a burden. We are very thankful we are in the care of Serenity Mental Health. I would highly recommend them to families. Marram Saggaf

M.S. Google

Dr Prussing is a gem -- truly. Serenity Mental Health has been lucky to have her services. The entire office is incredibly friendly, professional, personable, and quick, but Dr Prussing has exercised prudent and compassionate care the entire time I have worked with her to manage my medication and mental health. I feel heard and seen when I am in an appointment with Dr Prussing; I feel like I have another human being sitting across from me who truly just wants to help another human being if she can. And she has helped me and my family tremendously with her expertise and judgement.

G.P. Google

I recently decided to get on top of my mental health and my attention issues. I booked my initial appointment at the Chandler location but ended up moving over to the Desert Ridge location after some scheduling issues and it's closer to home. I cannot recommend Dr. Kara Prussing enough. I have only had the opportunity to have a few appointments with her but she has already helped me get on the right path for my medication management. She also really listened to the areas that I am struggling and gives great insight and options on tackling it. I have a ways to go but she has definitely helped a lot. The staff at the Desert Ridge location are also very friendly, quick and make the process as easy as possible.

G.M. Google


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Are generalized anxiety disorder and general anxiety the same thing?

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) differs significantly from general anxiety. General anxiety is a common response to stress or uncertainty, but generalized anxiety disorder involves intense, excessive worry about daily matters. Individuals with GAD often experience worry without clear reasons and struggle to break this persistent cycle.

What can I do if my partner has anxiety?

If your partner suffers from anxiety, it's important to understand that anxiety isn't something they can simply shake off. However, with the proper support, assistance, and information, your partner might manage to work through these tendencies. Should your partner be grappling with anxiety, here are a few supportive actions you can take:

  • Reassure them that everything will be alright
  • Remain calm and patient
  • Avoid making them feel guilty
  • Ask how you can assist them at that moment
Does anxiety run in families?

If you have a relative with generalized anxiety disorder, your own risk of developing anxiety may increase. Studies indicate that genetics can influence this likelihood, though the specific ways in which these conditions are transmitted within families remain uncertain.

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